Yes, students with IEPs can participate in the distance learning option. The IEP team will meet to make any necessary adjustments to your student’s current IEP.
Once a parent of a child on an IEP chooses the virtual learning option, determination as to what instruction will look like will be decided by the IEP team in a team meeting so that we can take into account a child’s individualized learning needs and determine the specially designed instruction that will be necessary and who will provide it.
We are unable to determine that at this time. The person providing services will be a certified teacher/therapist and students will continue to receive specially designed instruction as the IEP team determines is necessary.
Virtual small groups with certified teachers and speech therapists via online platforms.
All IEP/504 meetings will continue to be held virtually.
If parents choose the virtual learning option, staff will collaborate with parents to develop strategies for learning in the home. Teachers can provide strategies related to structured learning.